Prepare For The X Files' Most 'Brutal' Episode Ever

1 min read
The truth is out there, and apparently Mulder and Scully's journey to it will be particularly bloody. The revival's second episode, "Home Again," will prove that in spectacular fashion.

"The second hour of The X-Files' six-episode revival will pick up several months after the events of the premiere, and word on the streets of Vancouver is that the installment is absolutely brutal," TV Line's Michael Ausiello revealed on Thursday. "Some are already dubbing it one of the most violent X-eps in history."

Episode 2 will feature The Band-Aid Man, according to TV Line. While that doesn't sound particularly threatening, fans should be warned that the new monster of the week is "intimidating, odd, weary, creepy and immeasurably strong" as it is a "powerful, violent and frightening 'thought' come to life."

Yes, but actually... No.

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