
Gillian Anderson's webchat: 10 things we learned

The star chatted with fans on the Guardian about The X Files, returning to Miss Havisham and leaping on top of Paolo Nutini. Hot off the heels of her prequel to A Streetcar Named Desire, Gillian Anderson popped by Guardian HQ to answer your questions. Here’s what we learned:

1. She loves animals
What animal would I marry? Good question. I might marry a horse, definitely a male horse. Lucky me! He has one sure thing going for him.
What is the largest animal I could kill with my bare hands? OK, so the only way I can think about this is if it’s a cartoon animal. Let’s say it’s an evil animal with rabies, and I had to kill it to save my life, I might be able to manage... a ferret.
2. The return of The X Files is out there. Possibly…
The conversation is in process. And the result ultimately is up to Fox.
3. She was almost sick watching the NT Live film of A Streetcar Named Desire
I nearly bolted from the room. What was fascinating about that was getting to see what all the other actors were doing on stage while I/Blanche was caught up in her own self-obsession or behind a shower curtain. There were close ups too, so I got to see the emotional journey the other actors took in detail, and that was wonderful to see. They were all so good!
4. She’s looking for funny roles
I’d love to do a comedy with Jason Bateman, or to do a comedy with David O Russell. Madcap and dark, a black comedy.
5. There are great expectations for a Dickens prequel
I just got an image of doing a timelapse prequel for Miss Havisham. From the moment she is left at the altar, to when we find her in our adaptation of the story. A timelapse photo of her wandering around the house, the disintegration of her, the house, and her mind, might be interesting.
6. She sounds like a witch. Sort of…
I went in [to record the voice of the witch in Room on the Broom] being very witchy, and then they called me back, and said “actually when we were listening to the recordings, the you that was talking and swearing in between behaving like a witch is what we want - can you come back and be a bit more girly and mischievous and light-hearted?”
7. The best thing about 2014 was sharing a dressing room with Vanessa Kirby
She played Stella to my Blanche. I absolutely adore her. She’s a couple of decades younger and we had such a laugh. I tend to be quite neat, and she’s the messiest person I’ve ever met in my entire life. She’s very relaxed about it, she won’t mind me telling a few thousand people. I started taking photos of her area of the dressing table, and I’m planning to send them to her as a belated wrap gift!
8. Her holidays are poetic
Years ago I did a prop plane safari through Namibia, along the Skeleton Coast. It was just one of the most beautiful experiences - landing at sunset into a field of high grasses with crickets singing and a full moon rising.
9. She’s got caustic love for Paolo Nutini
The other night I met Paolo Nutini, face to face, and had my first true fan moment in my life. I looked up at him, and said what’s you name? He said Paolo and I leapt on top of him I was so excited! One of my favourite songs of all time is his Iron Sky. Genius. He is a living genius.
10. She tells a fine joke
What did the zero say to the 8? Nice belt.

Full Chat with Q&A: the Guardian
Yes, but actually... No.

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