
The X-Files - My Struggle II (Season Finale) - Super Bowl Sneak Peek (and Some Funny Things)

In this two and a half minute of “The X-Files” preview for episode six, Scully may shown her grey colors... sort of speaking...

This exclusive video, which ran during Super Bowl showed the final episode's opening sequence in the same way as the season premiere, with a monologue from the leading character. But this time, instead of Mulder, Scully gave a review on the cases from her own perspective, with an interesting final seconds of her conclusion that (probably) connects all.

Also, SNL Super Bowl parody ad portrayed stereotypical football wife Vanessa, serving her guys Totino's snacks. Then, Vanessa realized that the guys were watching a black screen, instead of  the game. While she was trying to leave her home, all the guys turned around and revealed their black eyes, and Vanessa shockingly screamed: "What's happening to my hungry guys?" And the credit appeared — as a preview for new “The X-Files” episodes...

Yes, but actually... No.

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